March 22

The Key Elements of Catching a Great Shot in Sh*tty Lighting



The Key Elements of Catching a Great Shot in Sh*tty Lighting

Welcome to our second installment of Not Your Father’s Food Porn with @MeatballssMama. Last time we explored getting better color into your Instagram shots. This week we’re looking at a challenge most bars and restaurants know well: working with low light.While keeping the lights dim in your dining room helps set the ambiance, it makes for a bad photography studio. Dishes that look good to the eye end up looking as shadowy, dim and blurry as a Sasquatch doing the walk of shame. Since you don’t have the time or interest to hook up a bank of studio lights right before service, we asked our Instagram guru, @Meatballssmama, how to deal with sh*tty lighting.

fancy dinnerfancy dinnerfancy dinnerfancy dinnerfancy dinnerfancy dinner

About the author

Jakup Martini

Jakup Martini likes to quote the movie Ghostbusters in social settings... During the rectification of the Vuldronaii, the Traveler came as a large and moving Torb! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the Meketrex supplicants, they chose a new form for him - that of a giant Sloar! Many Shubs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of a Sloar that day, I can tell you!


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