November 29

Resume Formatting and Writing Tips For Restaurant Workers

Resumes Are Essential to the Job Hunt but Can Be Intimidating for Many. Here Are Our Resume Formatting and Writing Tips To Help You Confidently Showcase Your Skillset and Experience!

I remember when writing my first few resumes. I struggled to fit everything onto one page. I’d spend hours contemplating how to describe my experience and achievements in only a few sentences or bullet points but still make them significant.

Then there was the formatting.

What does the proper resume format for a restaurant job even look like? Do I need all the bells and whistles of an overly designed layout, or was simplistic more professional?

Over time, and with some trial and error, I picked up a few basic tips that helped me understand what a restaurant resume should include and ultimately made me feel more comfortable when updating an old resume or creating a new one.

Tips for Formatting and Writing a Great Restaurant Resume

Read the Job Post

To give your resume a boost, take time to really read the job post and search for keywords that fit your experience. Some examples include Team-oriented, Fast-paced, Communication skills, etc. If keywords from the job post describe your previous work experience, you can tailor your resume and better demonstrate that you have what the employer is looking for. Creating a resume specifically for a job shows that you’ve considered the position and genuinely want to apply.

It’s helpful to read a job description two or three times, jot down what requirements or skills resonate the most, and then tailor your resume to those points.

Keep it Simple

Adding bells and whistles can be tempting, but they can distract from the content of your resume. The restaurant resume format should be simple. A basic document with an easy-to-read font (e.g., Times New Roman or Arial) is professional and straightforward and lets the employer get right to the stuff that matters: your experience and skills.

Considering a simple file type is also important. Nowadays, most job seekers send their resumes through a software system or job board. Make sure your file type is widely supported. A PDF document is a great choice for resumes and ensures the employer can actually view it.

It’s good to keep your content simple as well. While there are exceptions, a resume should only be one page long. If you begin to go over, scan for any unnecessary words or phrases in explaining your work history and cut them out. Use short and concise sentences. Remember, you can go into more detail in the interview.

Be Organized

Organizing the content of your resume is important in creating a clear and easy-to-read document. Overall, you want to organize by sections. Begin with your contact information at the top of the resume—this lets the employer know who you are and how to contact you for an interview. Then, you can follow with a short summary of your skills, highlighting your strengths and how they relate to the job post (this is where those keywords come in).

The majority of your resume should cover your work experience. But keep in mind that the employer doesn’t need a total history of your work experience; just include three or four of the most recent or relevant jobs organized in reverse chronological order (beginning with the most recent and moving toward the past).

After succinctly describing your work history, you can mention any certifications or education that might give you a leg up, such as your Food Handlers Certification, Culinary School, or Liquor Licensing.

Proofread and Edit

The final and most important step of the resume writing process is to proofread, edit and repeat until you are positive the final product represents you and all your greatness! Make sure to look for errors in spelling, dates, and punctuation. We tend to overlook these types of errors, especially when rushing. It helps to read your resume out loud to find any awkward language.

When you think you’re done and your resume is ready to send off, take the extra step and have a friend or family member proofread your resume one last time. Someone new can help catch any mistakes you may have missed.

In most cases, your resume is the first impression you give an employer, so taking extra time and consideration into your resume can go a long way in landing an interview. Knowing the fundamentals of resume writing can help ease the frustrations of what’s necessary to include and what’s not and help you stand out from other applicants. Now that you have a few extra tips you can begin the search for your next restaurant job and start the writing process.  Good luck!


About the author

Ashley McNally likes to cook, loves to bake, and is always dreaming of her next meal. With over 13 years of experience working in various roles within a restaurant — McNally has made a home in hospitality.

About the author

Ashley McNally likes to cook, loves to bake, and is always dreaming of her next meal. With over 13 years of experience working in various roles within a restaurant — McNally has made a home in hospitality.


