June 29

Setting Up the Poached App Beta

Thank you for your interest in the Poached App Beta! We are very excited to have you try the first version of the app and hear your feedback. Please follow the steps below to get started:

1. Check your email for an invitation from TestFlight with the subject line, “Poached Jobs Inc. has invited you to test Poached Jobs.” TestFlight is owned by Apple Inc. and is used for beta testing while the Poached app is not available in the App Store.

2. Click the button “View in TestFlight.” This will open your phone’s browser and offer additional steps and a code you need to access the Poached App (tip: write down the code for later steps). 

3. Once installed, open the TestFlight app on your phone.

4. Select the link labeled “Redeem” in the right corner and enter the code you were given in step 2. 

5. The Poached App will now appear in your TestFlight app. Click Install next to the app icon. 

6. A pop-up screen will appear with information about the App Beta. When you’re ready, select the OPEN link. 


7. There are a couple of slides welcoming you to the Beta. Give them a quick ready and select to move forward.

8. Now you are in the Poached App!

If you close the app, you’ll notice the Poached App on your phone, independent of TestFlight. You can use this to access the app, but make sure to keep the TestFlight app during the beta.

As you get a feel for using the app, we’d love to hear what you think — please give us as much feedback as you feel necessary. To leave us feedback, open the TestFlight App and click the Poached Jobs icon. There select the link labeled Send Beta Feedback. A text field will appear for you to send feedback and screenshots.

the right one

We will be in touch throughout this process with quick surveys, so there will be plenty of time to give us your thoughts. 

Feel free to send us an email at any time, for any reason. Whether you need help getting started, have questions, or want to provide feedback through email, you can send an email to jack@poachedjobs.com.


About the author

Poached is the nation's leading hospitality employment platform helping a network of over 1M hospitality professionals and 70K businesses connect over meaningful employment opportunities.

About the author

Poached is the nation's leading hospitality employment platform helping a network of over 1M hospitality professionals and 70K businesses connect over meaningful employment opportunities.


