June ‘23 Horoscope
June is pride month and this one’s for the gays. If you’re anything like me, you are wondering how you can accomplish a social-ass, half-naked month. Are you tired? I’m tired. I feel like I’ve just worked three clopens and I wish I had.
The Gemini gods are fueling us for the festivities ahead, blessing us with chatty, social vibes, so we’re ready to dance in the sun with our queens and give homophobes a truly uncomfortable time.
Of course, we won’t get off that easy (homophobic) — Pluto retrograde moving from Aquarius to Capricorn means ‘power struggles ahead,’ so watch out for your relationship with your GM. Saturn retrograde through Pisces endows a curiosity about our current standards and slows us down.Â
The moon moving into Gemini will make us feel murky about the future while multiple Cancer placements will make us so, so sensitive. It’s a good time to sit with your community (service tops or service ops, amirite?) as Neptune retrograde strengthens our intuition and guides us. Cheers queers!
Happy birthday, twinsies! Your birthday present is a Strawberry Moon (the gayest moon, obviously), inspiring all to step outside their comfort zones (despite the comfort of a strawberry). You are no stranger to growth by discomfort, and, therefore, lead by example. It’s time to give everyone a surge of your social energy— You’re a busy bee bouncing flower to flower. We’re all subject to your whimsy this month, and we thank you! Venus in Leo brings the possibility for a fun romance which is the only way you know how.

With your capacity for curiosity, the planets couldn’t stop there. Pluto retrograde in Capricorn resurfaces subconscious—possibly difficult—feelings experienced during Spring. This process reveals some hidden truths about your self to yourself. Are you the drama in FOH? Couldn’t be. Saturn retrograde in Pisces slows us down and helps us process these gems.
You are sweet and ruled by the moon, so the Strawberry Moon inspires you! Venus in Leo encourages passionate love, and other signs will feel the affection that comes to you naturally. Let yourself be wooed today.

You are a cozy homebody, but it’s Pride, goshdarnit! Get out of the house and socialize! Plenty of worthwhile connections will arise in the next few weeks, and you’ll find yourself energized by the magnetic Gemini magic. There’s still time to plan an Ultimatum – Queer Love finale watch party. 👀
A watery Saturn retrograde suggests you re-examine whatever you believe to be hard life truths. There is always more to discover. Late June brings your birthday season and the summer solstice. Multiple Cancer placements make everyone more nostalgic and emotionally intelligent like you, so take advantage and ask for those work trades.
Pride must be Leo’s peak. Self-expression and entertainment to the front! Make sure to take swift action and get some shifts off before it’s too late! Get your outfits planned out so they aren’t shipping during festivities! Start some drama! Plan a party! Jupiter wants you to shoot for the stars, lionheart.

This season brings fiery romance with Venus in y’all, a packed social calendar with pride, and a bit of fun confusion with a Gem moon! Crawl in capriciousness. Revel in reactivity. Follow your intuition off a cliff as if you wouldn’t either way.
Stay open-minded, my gay maidens! Saturn retrograde in Pisces calls you to examine any hard-and-fast rules you’ve been living by. Rules are meant to be broken and reevaluated from time to time, like not snacking on the floor.

The Strawberry Moon helps you feel bold and empowered to switch it up. Believe in your ability to release your grip on the work schedule and continue being a powerhouse babe of the earth—Jupiter is counting on you.
You are loyal to your sweethearts, so express your love loudly in this Leo Venus.
Gemini Mercury brings you clearer communication and mental breakthroughs. Take some time with the liquid retrograde to slow down and process what you’ve gone through in the past year. Trust that everything is gonna work out and lean on your enhanced ability to multitask through Gemini season.
You’re reveling in a Leo Venus bringing fun and playfulness to your relationships. Ruled by Venus, you are a handsome, charming romantique! Cue the music and start planning your grand gesture today! A pride flashmob, perhaps? Rainbow flowers sent to the bar on their double shift?

Ever balanced, Pluto retrograde in Capricorn brings a subtle power struggle back around, but you enjoy the opportunity for introspection. Cancer placements later in the month will bring a lot of emotions up — Saturn retrograde will reel you back in from the silly Gemini dance to meditate on this.
Revel in the witty meets chatty vibes of the Gemini sun. Enjoy the murky waters of the Gemini moon. Ask yourself the right questions, like is the bar lighting *too much*? How many short nails are *too many* short nails?

Enjoy the renewal and transformation happening in nature and celebrate it. Dance under the Strawberry Moon, but don’t take a bite. Venus in Leo means your love may come pouring out unwillingly— embarrassing— but don’t take it back! Be honest and unapologetic about your devotion.

First of all, the Strawberry moon is inside of you(r sign), pushing people to be bold and take action. Jupiter and the North Node aligning brings the same hopeful optimism and action. Throw your hat in the ring for the promotion you’ve been wanting. Request time for that trip you’ve been pining over.
You’ll be happy to know this pride, the theme is *fun and playful* romance, and there is no fear of cuffing season. Feel the chatty Gemini air while maintaining your preferred freedom. Gemini season puts ease in communication, helping you feel heard when you tell them you aren’t trying to wife up and Uhaul right now.

Your intellectual side will thrive in the Saturn retrograde— take a pause, consider your boundaries, and reflect on lessons you’ve learned this year. Trust your intuition to evaluate and switch things up.
Already consistently a boss bitch, you are taking on the world this month. You are expecting extra magic from yourself due to Jupiter’s position, and the planets are helping you out. The Strawberry Moon helps you swiftly take care of business. Mercury in Gemini blesses you with quick information processing and multitasking that doesn’t make sacrifices but takes names! The new moon in Gemini is going to feel unstable but trust yourself to figure things out as you go. We know you expect a lot from yourself, but don’t set out to cure homophobia— stick to working on a healthy kitchen culture at work.

With multiple Cancer placements in late June, you’ll be feeling more sentimental than usual. Try not to take things too personally, secretly sensitive Caps! You’ll be running rainbows through the streets soon enough.
Dear liquid container—cambro, if you will—water bearer, we know you love structure, but you’re also an innovator. Rethink the rules and be open-minded to change. Reorganize the walk-in or fight for gay rights.
It’s gonna be a flirty summer, so gather the single ladies and get out there. Gemini season means time to get your banter on, and you know better than anyone how important a real community is.

Pluto retrograde is the time for intense mental breakthroughs and the revealing of hidden truths. Make time to pensively ponder. The Gemini moon makes your thoughts feel less organized, but you’ll get there like you always do.
The most prone to fantasy, Neptune retrograde allows Pisces to see what lies behind these narratives. For once, trust your fishy gut! If a cutie is making eyes at the pride march, it’s probably love. Pisces is emotionally aware, after all.

Cancer mercury is making a mess of emotions, mixing them with thoughts. Try not to take things too personally. Don’t do that Pisces thing where we put the blame on everyone, anyone else. Own up to it! It was definitely not the dishwasher’s fault that table 3’s order came out wrong.
Saturn retrograde within Pisces means it’s time to re-examine boundaries (in other words, make some for the very first time). Make time for yourself to evaluate, get used to, and stay firm to these new boundaries. Choose yourself!
The Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius pushes you to do your best work, and you are raking in the tips. The alignment between Jupiter and the North Node motivates you to aim high with that strong mind of yours! Plan that pride party! Get that new job!
Venus is joining your planet, Mars, in Leo. This means that love and romance feel playful and passionate. Always the romantic, make grand gestures this month, Aries! Ever the observer, you will witness high sensitivity later this month — try to let go and relish in the rainbow of emotions.

It’s pride, so throw on your rainbow jammies and prepare for connecting and processing. Saturn retrograde through Pisces suggests setting fresh intentions and dissecting feelings that have been stuck.
Feed your spirit by spending time with your people. The moon in Gemini will cover you like a hazy film of whatever you peeped in the back of the walk-in last night, but you know how to lead yourself to unknown destinations confidently.

June 21st welcomes both Cancer Season and Summer. Potential for fun and sensual romance sits on the horizon, and you’ll be taking this Venus in Leo by the horns.