October 3

October Horoscope for Restaurant Workers


A Look At The October Sky And The Secrets The Stars And Planets Hold For Restaurant Workers

As the leaves change color, tumble in the wind, and fragrance the first rains with sweet summer memories, we are reminded of the imminent ending in the oldest story of time: the cycles of life.

October is a month for celebrating endings and new beginnings. After all, what is an ending without a beginning and on and on in a recurring tide forever and always and into the dying stars?

Let us reflect on those stars, moons, and planets captured in this uninterrupted cyclical spell — for they have much to tell if only a service industry worker would lend an ear. 


As a new moon solar eclipse collides with Libra—your fiery, short-tempered nature will surely ignite. I hear cold plunges are healthy and might help with that


October 28th marks a lunar eclipse in Taurus. This signifies a period of spiritual awakening for you, young Ram. If enlightenment reaches you at work, for your sake, just keep it to yourself.


Feelings of jealousy arise when Libra collides with Pluto in Capricorn on October 8th. Remember, just because the FOH team brings Scorpio the fizzy water with the limes and lemons doesn’t mean you’re not the favorite. Sometimes, you have to ask for what you want. 


When Venus enters Virgo on October 8th—good luck is coming your way. If you see a red-haired bearded man dressed in an old-timey green suit, this is not a Halloween costume. This is, in fact, a leprechaun. I urge you to find coverage for your shift and chase that man. 


You’re a social butterfly this Libra season, requesting all kinds of time off. Think strategically during the calm before the storm—the holiday season is on the horizon, as is repayment for the favors you’re granted today. 


If menu designs have you in decision paralysis this Libra season, just remember our mantra: Burger, Pizza, Chicken, Taco. 


Roll-ups will put you in a hypnosis on October 14th. This relaxing, meditative bliss will clear all negative thoughts about the customer who was unsatisfied until you found them the perfect fork—the only one in which the tongs were perfectly aligned. 


Keep feeding the FOH free fries directly after rush hour. It’s working, and Gemini is pissed, lol.  


It’s all fun and games until you learn that Table 6 is a long-lost father-and-daughter reunion and not, in fact, father-mistress. 


Your sourdough starter will soon grow to take over the fridge, the restaurant, the town, run for president, invest in NASA, and find the first signs of yeast on another planet. 


You are the mentor. You are the enlightened. You will teach the fresh-faced hires the secrets of snack spots and how to obtain them. 


Fish is not on the menu this season (unless you’re salmon)—this is your time to relax and let Pork braises take the light. 


About the author

Ashley McNally likes to cook, loves to bake, and is always dreaming of her next meal. With over 13 years of experience working in various roles within a restaurant — McNally has made a home in hospitality.

About the author

Ashley McNally likes to cook, loves to bake, and is always dreaming of her next meal. With over 13 years of experience working in various roles within a restaurant — McNally has made a home in hospitality.


