January 2

January Horoscope for Restaurant Workers


As We Embark on a New Year, the Stories in the Stars Unfold With Emphasis on New Beginnings for Restaurant Workers

The stars weave stories into histories and prophecies of our lives. We can turn to them for inspiration and guidance on new beginnings as we navigate the constant recycling of time.

For restaurant workers embarking on a new year—the stars have much to say about your journey. Pay attention as we uncover what has been foretold for you.


As Mars moves to Capricorn, you may embark on a new career, one where the regulars tell jokes like, “There must be a hole in my glass. My drink keeps disappearing.”


The new year has you rethinking your image, Taurus. You don’t want to leave your mark on this kitchen as that dull chef—you want to add something spicy, something…unexpected. These should do the trick.


Mercury stationing direct this last Monday inspires you to lead more authentically. Still, that doesn’t mean you should tell every customer how you feel about Chef’s special.


This is the year you’ve been waiting for. Carrots are finally the new brussels sprouts, the new cauliflower, the new cabbage—the world is ready for your ranch-battered fried carrots.


Mid-January, on a day you least expect, like the 14th—the chicken gods will bless you with the power to perfectly de-shell every hard-boiled egg in your prep. Every single egg.


With the holidays behind us, January has you feeling restless. Don’t worry—your work will be cut out for you when Mercury returns to Capricorn, and there’ll be a surprise visit from the health inspector.


Romance is in the air—it’s also in the air for Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius if you make the mistake of pursuing the new line cook.


Some stones are better left unturned, and while you have a knack for investigation, the magic will be lost when you uncover that your favorite regular just tells everyone they’re the best server.


With a full moon in Leo, your tong clink will hit the right note, initiating you into the clinking tong kitchen masters as a level 1 apprentice.


All that hard work between November and December will pay off in January when you’re rewarded with more work but different work, like busy work.


You quickly completed one of your New Year’s resolutions by landing that new prep cook job. Next on the list: Find the Bacon Stretcher.


You’re not one to cry over spilled milk, but you might schedule some time in the walk-in when that 8-top with six kids all get involved.


About the author

Ashley McNally likes to cook, loves to bake, and is always dreaming of her next meal. With over 13 years of experience working in various roles within a restaurant — McNally has made a home in hospitality.

About the author

Ashley McNally likes to cook, loves to bake, and is always dreaming of her next meal. With over 13 years of experience working in various roles within a restaurant — McNally has made a home in hospitality.


