Poached Working Interviews: A brand new feature to showcase your skills - Never go to an unpaid stage again!
Our team has been working to make unpaid stages a thing of the past. We’ve recently made a few changes to our app to help make that a reality. Moving forward, any job you apply to on the Poached app may result in a Working Interview if the potential employer decides to request one.
Setting the time and day, reminders for upcoming interviews, clocking in and out, and getting paid by direct deposit will all be handled conveniently through the app. Once you're set up for one Working Interview, you’ll be ready to accept any additional Working Interview requests, as well as being available for any relevant Poached Shifts in the future!
After applying for a job, a prospective employer may invite you to a Working Interview. You will receive a notification and be directed to the app, where you can accept or decline the interview. If you haven't set up your Stripe account yet, no worries - you'll be guided through the setup process at this point.

If you would like to request a change to the interview time, you can do so by messaging the employer directly. You may also message the employer for more details about what to expect during the interview.

Missed the interview notification? You can also view all of your interviews and their statuses through the app - simply navigate to the Jobs tab and then tap "Interviews".

When it’s time for your interview, you can clock in through the app.

Once you have finished the interview, you will be able to clock out and submit your invoice for payment. The potential employer will need to verify your hours and can add any tips you may have earned during your working interview. Once this is done, we’ll deposit your payment directly into your account via Stripe.
We’re excited about the potential this new feature brings to you and to the hospitality industry in general. It doesn’t solve everything, but it’s a step in the right direction! If you have any questions, you can check out the help desk article here, or you can email us at support@poachedjobs.com