October 31

November Horoscope For Restaurant Workers


A Whisper of Secrets Held for Those Who Listen in This November Horoscope for Restaurant Workers 

As November brings longer nights full of luminous stars to guide us through the earth’s final stretch in its ceaseless dance around the sun—we must pay attention to new revelations within our own ritualistic lives.

As we are one and part of the cosmos—there is much to learn in this November Horoscope for Restaurant Workers. 


As the Scorpio moon comes to fruition on Nov.13th, your eyes will fixate on the prize this season—meaning you’ll pick up a lot of extra shifts for money. Don’t do that thing where you bite off more than you can chew, then chew everyone out in the process.  


Love is in the air, and with the new moon in Scorpio, your customer crush might even acknowledge your existence as they ask you for the keypad combination to the bathroom. 


This November, that trip you randomly won to the Bahamas will look really good–even if you’ll be held prisoner through eight straight hours of sales pitches coercing you to invest in a timeshare you can’t afford. 


Your social battery is fully charged as Mercury enters Sagittarius this November, but be wary of that new bar regular who always finds a way to mention how much money they’re making in dietary supplements. 


This November, you’re revelation to one-upping capitalism and blow right past Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s and jump right into Valentine’s Day with your new special dinner-for-two dinner promotion…will actually work.  


No matter how much planning you put into practice, nothing can prepare you for the chaos as Saturn goes direct, and all those holiday customers test your patience. Be sure to pencil in your quarterly cry in the walk-in.  


Don’t worry. Your seance with the Tatin Sisters this past Halloween will pay off. As Mercury enters Sagittarius, each Tarte Tatin you bake for the pre-fixe Thanksgiving take-out menu will come out perfectly.


With the new moon in Scorpio, your emotions will get the best of you. It’s essential to indulge in what makes you truly happy, even if that is pumpkin spice. Even if your co-workers find out and you never live it down. 


Your coffers will be full this mushroom season, Sagittarius—in fact, you will discover a newly formed ability to commune with the world’s fungi and forever tap into their sporadic terms of enlightenment. 


As someone who naturally enjoys a good plan–November marks the beginning of your prime season, Capricorn. As those reservation books fill up for the holiday season, your anxiety over what you can’t control subsides. 


While none of your coworkers will get the reference to your Thanksgiving trifle contribution at the Friendsgiving family meal, at least you were able to use up all those leftovers. 


While squash may be in season, squashing other’s hopes and dreams is not on the menu. Be the ray of sunshine we lack this holiday season, Pisces, except with that family of six trying to get service 15 minutes to close. 


About the author

Ashley McNally likes to cook, loves to bake, and is always dreaming of her next meal. With over 13 years of experience working in various roles within a restaurant — McNally has made a home in hospitality.

About the author

Ashley McNally likes to cook, loves to bake, and is always dreaming of her next meal. With over 13 years of experience working in various roles within a restaurant — McNally has made a home in hospitality.


