Your resume is the first step to landing that next great job — take it from us. Here are our tips to help make your resume really stand out.
Sometimes when you see a job listing you’re particularly excited about, it can seem pressing to create and submit your resume straight away — especially in our industry where hiring can move quickly. But, don’t overlook proofreading and copyediting your resume. Your resume is the first impression you give an employer. Making sure there are no glaring grammatical errors or typos goes a long way in demonstrating professionalism and thoughtfulness in your work.
One tip to catching grammatical mistakes is to take a step back. After writing something, it can help to put it down for an hour (maybe a half-hour if you’re feeling pressed), then come back and reread it. It’s very common to miss small details when working on anything for a stretch of time. Reading your resume with fresh eyes can help you spot missing punctuation or common spelling mistakes (English makes that easy). Another trick is to read your resume aloud to find awkward sentences. There’s something about reading aloud that causes our brains to focus better. If you stumble on any sentences, you can consider word choice or punctuation to create clarity.