August 15

How To Open a Restaurant According to The Bear Season Two


1. Find a bunch of cash in tomato cans.

Not finding it? Keep looking. The small cans taste better 😉

2. Have a rich uncle-type person who can give you even more money.

Must be nice.

3. Exploit an eager sous chef and vulnerable sister into working without pay for six months.

But really— don’t do that. We want more for Sydney.

4. Find problems.

Unpaid taxes, unrealistic timelines, mold, and somehow still not enough money?

5. Find more problems.

Not enough forks, a clogged toilet, and a broken walk-in handle.

6. Painstakingly get licenses.

Defy local laws and suspend belief.

7. Get a girlfriend and stop doing even the simplest tasks.

Maybe an old childhood friend. Maybe a manic pixie dream girl on whom you can take out your suffering from a walk-in.

8. Get locked in the walk-in because of your own mistakes and cause a fuss, distracting and further stressing your team on opening night.

Throw a tantrum. If you aren’t the agent of chaos, who will be? Succeed despite yourself because of your team you don’t treat well or trust. 

But really—was he pretending to be locked in? What about the button from the inside we could all see? Did they pretend to not be able to let him out because he was stressing them out? They got back in there somehow after it initially broke, right?

That’s it folks— it’s super simple! But if you want a more realistic guide you can find it here.


About the author

Olivia Breting is a Pisces who has spent most of her life working in the service industry. In her spare time, she likes sketching, fiddling with clay, cuddling her cat, watching/quoting The Office, riding her bike, planning events, being chaotic, and oversharing on social media.

About the author

Olivia Breting is a Pisces who has spent most of her life working in the service industry. In her spare time, she likes sketching, fiddling with clay, cuddling her cat, watching/quoting The Office, riding her bike, planning events, being chaotic, and oversharing on social media.


